40 is the new 20

checkpoint---t-minus 8 hours and counting and this ole gal enters a whole new decade of life. How do I feel? Fan-freaking-tastic. Honestly. I found out at 19 Jesus WAS the Christ, the son of the living God. At 36, after a catastrophic breakdown, found out JUST HOW MUCH I NEEDED HIM (for apart from Him I truly can do nothing) and at 39 I found out I was an ARTIST? Talk about a late bloomer! ---Went to see an amazing CRNP today (Danny Moon w/ Garrett Medical Group to anyone in that practice...he works out of Deep Creek office) waited literally, no joke over 3 hours, but HE IS WORTH waiting for smile emoticon --- in fact I might even make him a keychain that says that smile emoticon (or an office sign out of pallet wood!) --- but we laughed and I told him I feel better (mentally and emotionally and even physically than I ever have in my entire life!) --- but because of a few physical reminders that I actually *AM* turning 40 -- I left with the receptionist scheduling me with THREE....yes....one, two, three specialists!! -- gastroenterologist (colonoscopy, due to generational polyps, "thanks Dad!"), gyne (possible post surgical issues from the "Great hysterectomy of 2009" ... due to generational female issues "thanks Mom!"....and Neurologist due to absolute 100% carpel tunnel issues being greatly exascerbated by my newfound joy/passion/delight/love of working with hand held power tools! ("thanks Harbor Freight Company!") ha ha --- so anyway every --- thanks IN ADVANCE for all the amazing love, support, friendship, encouragement and birthday blessings/wishes and the likes that anyone throws my way in the next day or so! -------Love to all! -- Momma B


  1. Google my husband's name and found this. Thanks for saying wonderful things about Danny. I think he is the best, but I am kinda biased. Lol

  2. Google my husband's name and found this. Thanks for saying wonderful things about Danny. I think he is the best, but I am kinda biased. Lol

  3. I LOVE YOUR HUSBAND!! NO joke!! --- I will literally wait three hours at that McHenry office JUST to see him. He is gentle, patient, loving and kind!! you are blessed!!


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