My Yoke is Easy

I used to strive and try to do better and try to be better and try,try,try
 in my own strength, saying, "God HELP ME to do better and help ME to be better"
 it was always about me, me, me.

But God in me
-CHRIST IN YOU- (if you have welcomed Christ into your heart and your life)
 is the hope of glory --

                God indwells your mortal body and
                         GOD lives through you giving His strength to your weakness -

and it's no longer the try/fail try/fail, try harder to fail again
 - it's resting in what HE did and trusting that He will
and allowing Him to do great things through you.
 My part is to yield and allow Him. His part is to work. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
All we have to do is believe and allow.
And there's even a place in the gospels for us who struggle with belief! If we find that we WANT to believe, but truly we don't we can pray like the man in Mark 9:24 who cried out to Jesus in his desperate time of need --- "Lord I believe, help my unbelief" ... so God who is good and light and in Him is no darkness at all - or shadow of turning (never turning away from us) will even give us the faith what we are lacking that we are needing.


My part is to yield
His part is to work

His yoke is easy
His burden is light

Enter into His rest. You really can.


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