Hallelujah for the Lord our God the Almighty Reigns!

So I HAVE to give a shout out to just HOW AMAZING and REAL God is. Okay -- I know that I am nothing without Him and apart from Him I can do nothing! -- having said that ---- Christ IN ME is the hope of glory. --- OKAY, so this past weekend I got to visit a fellowship of believers in another geographical region and I had never been to this place before so I literally knew nobody! (except my friend who I RECENTLY met, who took me) Well this non-denominational gathering of believers had a team of pastors during worship/music time in front say "we believe in calling the elders, anointing with oil and that the prayer of faith can heal the sick" so they called anyone sick in mind/heart/body to come up. I kind of fell in line behind, because I really like to lay my hands on the sick and pray for them (because in the bible we are told to? and I have seen miracles...it's cool... but anyway ...) this one couple went up and I wasn't sure who was sick? the dude or the chick? so I just laid my hands on both of them and I felt the Lord tell me to lay both hands on her back - so I just prayed quietly and I kept feeling in my head "liver and kidneys" over and ovr -- so afterwards I just looked at her and said "I don't know? but I just kept feeling liver and kidneys? is there something wrong with them? She smiled and said "Well my back for sure! but they don't know what's wrong?" so we went to our seats -- and after service she comes up to me and says "When you were praying I just really felt God and I have to tell you ...my mother died from some rare disease involving her liver and kidneys and her inability to process enzymes,e tc..." I was like "Whoa!" and thought instanty...'Generational Curse" -- so I was like can I pray for you again?? and she was like "sure!" -- so I laid hand on herr back and just began releasing hte healing virtue of the Lord Jesus Christ and I saw all these yellow like strings in her veins/capillaries/arteries?? so In Jesus name I just pulled them out and we prayed to break the curses and it was just awesome. And she looked at me and I said something like "I just see this litte girl in your heart? and she's all alone crying in room?" and she welled up wiht tears in her eyes and she said "When my mother died -- I had prayed so hard, I had believed God was going to heal her." and I knew in that moment when her mom died and God didn't answer her prayers there was a death that occurred inside of her -- and a seperation occurred between her heart and God! -- I said Dorreen this had to happen this way! because you have the GIFT OF FAITH!! but you had to "die" to your FAITH IN YOUR FAITH! God had to break that strength and crush it to powder so that you would no longer rely on your own strength and gifting...but that you would NOW be completely dependant upon and completelly listening TO the Holy Spirit on HOW to pray for each specific person/situation - sometimes you will cast out a spirit of infirmity, but other times you will pray for the person to recieve the grace to walk THROUGH a season of affliction. Then I saw Jesus reaching into that room, outstretching his hand to this beautiful woman and she got up and reached back and they embraced!! --- HER HEART WAS COMPLETELY RECONCILED TO GOD! He wiped her tears and they hugged. SHE was healed! I believe in body, but even more importantly in the depths of her heart. --- Later when I was leaving I was talking to one of the pastors wives and asked her if she knew Dorreen? and she smiled and said yes and I told her what happened. She BURST INTO TEARS and was smiling from ear to ear! She said YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW IMPORTANT DORREEN IS TO US!! SHE is an INTERCESSOR! She goes out to other countries and does magnificent thing for the Lord! You were MEANT to be here today!" --- OH how good it feels to be about your Father's business! Oh how good it is to feel the favor of God over you and to rest IN HIS ARMS and KNOW that you have NO REASON TO BOAST!!! What do you HAVE that you have NOT BEEN GIVEN??! h aha --- so AL GLORY goes to HIM! and in ALL TIMES and in ALL SEASONS and in ALL Ways GOD is GOOD. If He doesn't look good? your perspective is off. We know that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all neither shadow of turning. Halluljah.


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