Life in the Time Space Continuum

I hope you never go through a severe and incapacitating
clinical depression while attempting to care for five children, a husband and a house!
I hope you never have to go through the mental, emotional and physical havoc this wreaks upon a body.
I hope all of your days are blessed and filled with grace!

I have been walking through a ROUGH SEASON in life.

At times it's been gargantuan effort just to get out of bed. No joke.
I've tried therapy, medications, prayer and fasting, Christian counselling - and
it seems I just keep curling up in a ball and going back to sleep.
I can't find a root cause or source. I've lost intimate and close personal relationships with others.
I've lost my desire for social interactions in even the mildest forms.

In the midst of this 'season' I think things were summed up when I shared with
an old acquaintance recently:
"2009 was the beginning of a great breaking (by the hand of the Lord).
2010 was a crushing to powder."

Here, halfway through 2011 I am feeling the beginning of a reparation. 
(definition three: restoration to a good condition)
The sun is beginning to peek through from behind the clouds.
Funny, a family friend sent a package to me recently with a beautifully wrapped box
that had two puffy foam stickers on it. One was a yellow sun and the other was of two clouds -
now all three of them had eyes and smiles and when my eyes fell upon them I had tears 'cloud' up
my eyes and it was as if the Holy Spirit of God were speaking to my heart --  the sunshine was indeed driving the clouds away, but God's love was  in both the sunshine and the clouds (storms) that life had brought.  I have been in the palm of his hand. His divine will has been and is being accomplished in my life. Good, Bad and Ugly, God is HERE
and he loves me.

And the same goes for you in whatever situation you find yourself in.
He is truly Emmanuel, God WITH us.
May He bring you a word or a message or sign of His love to you today, something
as tangible as puffy foam stickers ;o)
Speak Lord, your servants are listening.


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