Why Do Today What You Can Put Off Till Tomorrow?

When I was in high school my procrastination was extreme.
I would need to do dishes, for example, and I'd put it off and off an off

I would stay up way too late and pull up a barstool to the sink and guess what?
I'd FALL ASLEEP in front of the sink!
Imagine my stepmother's frustration!

I think this is perhaps why it bothers me so that my own children will wait
until the night before school starts to finish their summer reading projects!
I don't want them to do what I did -
I want to help them have better habit/patterns/ways of doing things than I did.
My husband on the other hand backs off and allows them to do things the way they do them
TRUSTING that they will learn from their mistakes.
(Novel idea, right?)

This frustrates me at times beyond words
 I guess because I used to interpret my parents 'hands-off' approach to be a lack of concern.
I always felt like they didn't care - so it probably makes me angrier then it *should* because I
guess I feel like my 'hands-off' because my dear hubby sometimes tells me to back off (lol)
I guess it feels like I'm setting them up for failure, like I need to step in and rescue them from making mistakes but this is not rational. This is not reasonable. We have to learn how to walk and we have to practice. We will fall down. This is normal. We will eventually learn how to walk well.

One day, recently, when my son and I were having a heart to heart he shared with me
that one of the things he likes the most about Dad and me... is that we allow him to
make mistakes and we have a more hands off approach - we let him learn from life's experiences
we don't micromanage.
"Really," I said as I  hugged him tight and then let him go.


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