It's Souper Weather we are Having

So in the past some of my entries have had 'points' or were meaningful in some way or another - this is just a head's up to any subscribers or those who stumble upon my page in blogoshpere that I will be posting days here.
Jason Upton (my favorite musician) has a song entitled "Write Everyday Down"

and in a way that's what I intend to do

begin recording moments, days and seasons.

Right now I am a homeschooling mother of five. I am only homeschooling
our first grader and trying to do some preschool with our youngest.
My children are 16 (11th grade boy), 14 (9th grade boy), 9 (4th grade boy)
and at home are 6 (1st grade girl) and 5 (preK boy)

I am happily married to the most amazing man I have ever met
(truly I can say this)
We live in Appalachia and we love it.
Small town, lovely community and pockets of amazing people everywhere.

I am currently in the Celebrate Recovery program of which I weekly say,
"Hello, my name is Laura and I am a grateful believer in the Lord Jesus Christ
who suffers from past drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness and food addictions."

Today my dear wonderful friend Lynn came over to simply 'help out'
She is an amazing woman and friend and she serenaded us with her latest song parody -
I was in stitches and she helped me sort and put away a bazillion articles of clothing
AND clean summer stuff out of three dressers for three kids! THEN she DID MY DISHES
while I did language arts with my daughter! Then we hit the happy trails for McD's for lunch
and now I am home making SOUP Glorious SOUP! So happy to have some! (*insert Food Glorious Food music*)

It smells wonderful.

Things went GREAT for Christian and Isaiah who JUST NOW are back in school - yes three weeks later than most schools, two weeks later for our district because of renovations that have taken longer than ANYONE anticipated. But Isaiah was permitted to SKIP A WHOLE GRADE and move into 9th this year and began a highschool career with his older brother Christian who is in 11th grade this year. Christian and I were texting some (gasp) on the first day and I found out GOD allowed them to be in the SAME LUNCH! I was so thrilled about it because this summer they actually BONDED and can stand to hang out in each other's presence. Isaiah grew up some (maturity) and Christian became more tolerant (maturity) and momma is happy. Christian actually let Isaiah SIT with his junior hiney at lunch, too. I Praise God for small miracles and blessings.

I really do. Hope you are recognizing them in your own life.


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