God's Not a Wicked Taskmaster

So our church is doing a Daniel Fast for 21 days corporately.
21 days of  "No meats, no sweets, no treats"
(why is it that all three of those words say the same sound,
but aren't spelled the same way? Gotta love the English Language)

Daniel ate "no pleasant food"
so as a group a LOT of us are doing a 21 day fast ---
and each person is to follow the Lord's leading and take
whatever liberty they feel to take in their own personal fast.
Some people have almond milk, some people don't!
Most people eliminate all coffee and caffeine - some people
wouldn't dream of it. Praise God our pastor warned us against
judging other people in their fast and becoming legalistic!

Whatsoever YOU DO, do heartily unto the Lord and not unto men.

Well my husband informed me yesterday of a friend of ours who feels God told they needed to water-fast for the first week, Daniel fast for the second week and go back to the water fast only for the third week because things were really 'bad' in their life and they really needed a breakthrough. Immediately I questioned my husband "Does that sound like God?" - to which he replied to me "We don't have to analyze everything, everytime! Sometimes we just need to pray for them." -- which I agree,
but if this poor tempest-tossed, weary soul,
who struggled with rejection and feeling out of God's favor
with a History of thinking things like "I can't get the communion cup opened, I must not be worthy to take it"
is feeling a Daniel fast "isn't Good enough/I must do MORE/I must sweat blood and tears"
is there something possibly standing behind/or rather in FRONT of God's voice/eclipsing/blockingout/interfering with this man's life?

I used to be TORMENTED over fasting.
I used to *think* I was hearing God's voice
and I did water fasts --- two week water fasts
that were sooooooooooo excruciatingly painful (mentally/emotionally/physically)
that it kept me from fasting for years after the experiences would occur.

I remember in the midst of my depression one day in church sort of having an epiphany
of sorts -- I scrawled down on my bulletin these words:

"I wonder how many times I thought "God said," when God didn't actually say?"

and I went away on vacation with that thought rolling around my head
and had major breakthrough prayer at my friend's house --- and felt God broke off
of me the influence of a "religious spirit"
and I began to breath easier
and I began to know HIS voice more clearly
and I began to truly receive HIS love for me as a good shepherd
a loving father
not a wicked taskmaster
And I truly began to walk in liberty

This is my prayer for our water-fasting friend
(insert ESTHER and her entire nation of people AND animals!)
Because He "CAN"
but my spirit groaned when my husband shared that --
and my heart aches for this man in his condition.

God I pray that through this "fast" he doesn't encounter failure/condemnation/alienation from you,
but that you would slay the dragons in his life
and allow him to be loved intimately/deeply/completely
by the Good Shepherd
and His Loving Father.
In Jesus name. Amen.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, -and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS30“For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” -- Matthew 11:28-30


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