Ain't Gonna Hurt No More, No More

Ain’t gonna hurt no more no more

"It only hurts if you believe them"

I was feeling so disposable, so lacking worth
And as I was feeling that way the Lord just
Spoke to me in the swirling,

"It only hurts if you believe them."

And He was right.

And He began to show me how

He wants me to stop finding my value in my
Judgment or assumption of what I am perceiving
Others' judgments and assumptions of what they
Are thinking of me,

(and let me just be right up there with Virginia Slims on
This one, We've come a long way baby -- and this is
Nowhere near what it was in being a problem for me,
Yet I am seeing subtle traces and places it is still lingering)

Not even knowing in reality what they are thinking
But judging by their actions


Am judging them and thinking I know what they
Are thinking and that is whacked and wrong!

And EVEN IF they are thinking that ---
The LORD values me greatly,
IN HIM I live and breathe and move and have my being.


So the pain emotionally I am so used to feeling deep inside
Doesn't have foothold, so to speak, if I don't give place to it
By even deeper inside believing those things about myself.

You see I was feeling the wounds of rejection today from
Dear and beloved friends and God showed me the real source
Of my pain in this situation wasn't so much the withdrawing
Of their affections,


It was the withdrawing of their affections that "highlighted"
The lie I was believing in my heart,

"I'm not important. I'm dispensable, see this just proves it"

And the bottom line beneath that was I was putting my
Self-worth in man's egg basket to watch him drunkly
Totter on his rickety cart down a bumpy path.

No more.

Jesus, I place all the treasures of my heart in your warm,
Loving and secure hands.
Thank you for being steadfast and sure.

                                                Thanks TODAY for pain with a purpose.


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